A humorous illustration of a woman browsing a dating app, encountering various odd and funny situations. Her expression is exaggerated and amused, with quirky characters appearing on the app, highlighting the lighthearted theme of identifying red flags in online dating.

20 Hilarious Yet Serious Online Dating Red Flags You Can’t Ignore

I recently met a perfect date, the only problem is, his bio was copied from a novel.🤣

In this fast-paced digital age, online dating has become a primary method for many to seek love. But just like in real life, the online world isn’t free of strange characters. Have you ever met someone who plans your honeymoon on the first chat? Or complains about their ex in their bio? If these scenarios sound familiar and funny, then you definitely can’t miss these 18 online dating red flags! These red flags will not only help you avoid the weirdos but also keep you smiling on your quest for true love.

Come on, let’s take a look at these online dating red flags that you absolutely can’t ignore. Laugh through the tears, and be amazed!

1.Inconsistent or Vague Information

When dating online, people with inconsistent or vague information are everywhere. Have you ever encountered someone who claims to be 6 feet tall but is actually only 5 feet 7 inches? It’s like buying a used car and the seller tells you it’s in perfect condition, but you find cat paw prints on the hood.

Why am I single???

Because last time I believed someone was a millionaire, it turned out they couldn’t even afford their internet bill!


  • Check the authenticity of photos: Use reverse image search to verify photos and avoid the “beauty master.”
  • Ask specific questions: Get more details by asking questions and see if the responses are consistent.
  • Pay attention to details: For example, if they claim to be a vegetarian but post a picture of themselves eating steak, be cautious.

Learn how to create an authentic and engaging dating profile and avoid losing out on potential matches due to inconsistent messaging -【How to Create an Irresistible Online Dating Profile】. Not only will this help you filter out unreliable people faster, but it will also help you avoid wasting your relationship on people who simply don’t deserve it. After all, who wants to end up dating someone who turns out to be a fake? Right?

2.Avoiding Personal Questions

Some people seem to have a natural talent for dodging questions, like Olympic champions of evasion. Whenever you ask them simple personal questions, they always deflect or change the subject.

👩:“What kind of movies do you like?”

👨:“I like the kind that you also like.”


  • Ask specific questions: Don’t be afraid to ask specific questions, like “What’s your favorite movie?” instead of “Do you like movies?”.
  • Observe responses: If they always dodge questions, they might be hiding something.
  • Ask multiple times: Ask similar questions at different times to see if you get consistent answers.

If you meet someone who always avoids personal questions, it’s like playing hide and seek where you’re always the seeker. The purpose of online dating is to find someone who matches you, not someone you can never really understand. So, when you encounter this situation, it’s best to be cautious and move on quickly.

3.Too Good to Be True

We all hope to find that perfect match on dating apps, but sometimes it’s just too good to be true. It’s like seeing a designer handbag priced at $99 and thinking, “This can’t be real.”

He said he’s a 6-foot-tall doctor with a beach house, who does yoga every morning.

Sounds great!!!


  • Use reverse image search: Use tools like Google reverse image search to see if the photos are used elsewhere.
  • Look for consistency: Read their profile carefully for any inconsistencies.
  • Stay skeptical: If they seem too perfect, they probably are. Maintain a healthy level of skepticism.

If their photos look like they’re cut from a fashion magazine and their life story sounds like it’s from a movie script, it’s probably a warning sign. You want to find a real person, not a fictional character.

4.Rushing the Relationship

In online dating, encountering someone who rushes the relationship is like watching a movie in fast-forward. You’ve just exchanged a few messages, and they’re already planning your wedding. The speed can be overwhelming.

Funny example:

👨:“ we should go on a trip to Europe together. ”

👩:“Sorry, I don’t even know your last name yet!”


  • Set boundaries: Establish clear boundaries early on to ensure they respect your pace.
  • Observe behavior: Notice if they exhibit signs of rushing in other aspects, like discussing future plans or frequently asking to meet.
  • Take it slow: Insist on taking things slowly to get to know them better, avoiding being swept off your feet too quickly.

If someone talks about marriage and kids in the first chat, it’s a sign to reconsider. Relationships need time and patience, not a race to the finish line. Stay calm and gradually get to know them to find someone truly suitable.Learn some first date safety tips to keep yourself safe during the date -【First Date Safety Tips】.

5.Financial Requests

In online dating, some people quickly bring up financial difficulties, trying to exploit your sympathy for economic gain. This behavior is like a friend who shows up to a party with an empty wallet, always expecting you to foot the bill.

He said his wallet fell into the toilet, so he needs me to help pay his rent this month. 😓

Yeah, that sounds believable.


  • Stay alert: Be cautious of anyone who mentions financial problems early on. A genuine relationship shouldn’t involve money so soon.
  • Clearly refuse: Clearly state that you won’t provide financial help in the early stages.
  • Know common scams: Familiarize yourself with common online dating scams, such as fake medical emergencies or sudden family crises.

If someone asks for financial help soon after meeting, it’s like encountering a car without brakes at a red light. Stop immediately and reconsider. These people are often not interested in you but in your wallet. Learn how to recognize and avoid common online dating scams and protect your financial security -【How to Identify and Avoid Online Dating Scammers】.

6.Lack of Social Media Presence

In modern society, almost everyone has some form of social media presence. If you meet someone who has no social media accounts, or their social media seems to have been created recently, this could be a red flag. It’s like meeting a stranger in a trench coat and sunglasses; it looks suspicious.

He said he doesn’t have social media because he’s a secret agent.

I guess he’s still waiting for James Bond to find him.


  • Check for consistency: Ensure their social media aligns with their dating profile.
  • Look for interaction: See if they interact with friends and family to gauge authenticity.
  • Ask for reasons: If they claim not to have social media, ask why and see if their explanation is reasonable.

If someone lacks any social media presence or their accounts seem suspicious, proceed with caution. They might be hiding something or are not as genuine as they appear. Vigilance is crucial in online dating to ensure your safety.

7.Overly Sexual Conversations

If the conversation becomes overly sexual early on, it’s a red flag. You’re just starting to get to know them, but they’re already talking about inappropriate topics. This behavior is like someone inviting you to meet their parents on the first date, making you uncomfortable.

👨:“Hey baby, what do you think of red lingerie?”

👩:“Well, red is a great color, especially on fire trucks.”


  • Set boundaries: Clearly state which topics make you uncomfortable and observe their reaction.
  • Test for respect: See if they respect your boundaries and are willing to change the topic.
  • Avoid sharing personal information: Don’t share too much personal information until you’re sure they’re trustworthy.

This situation indicates they might not genuinely respect you and are seeking short-term thrills. Setting boundaries and testing their response is crucial to avoid being offended.

8.Poor Communication Skills

If the person has poor communication skills, it’s a red flag. Whether it’s slow responses, short answers, or seeming disinterested, it shows they might not genuinely want to connect with you.

Every time I send a long message, he only replies with ‘Oh’ or ‘Haha’.

It feels like I’m dating an auto-reply machine.


  • Observe interaction: Notice if they actively participate in conversations, ask questions, and show interest.
  • Try multiple times: Try initiating conversations multiple times to see if there’s any improvement.
  • Assess interest: If they remain disinterested, they might not be truly interested in you.

Poor communication skills might indicate they’re also poor at building deep connections in real life.

9.Disrespectful or Offensive Behavior

If someone shows disrespectful or offensive behavior, it’s a significant red flag. This includes belittling others, using crude language, or making offensive comments.

👨:“Everyone using this app is a loser.”

👩:“ Oh, so now we’re a pair of losers, huh?”


  • Set standards: Clearly state your boundaries and don’t tolerate disrespectful behavior.
  • Stop immediately: Immediately point out and stop any inappropriate behavior.
  • Evaluate response: Observe their reaction; if they’re unwilling to change, end the conversation early.

If they show disrespect early on, they’re unlikely to improve in future interactions.Learn the importance of being polite and respectful in online dating to create healthy interactions -【Tips to Improve Your Dating App Etiquette】.

10.Multiple Active Accounts

If you find out they have active profiles on multiple dating apps, it could indicate they’re not serious about a relationship with you. It’s like someone attending multiple parties simultaneously, their attention is not focused on you.

He said he only uses one dating app, but I found the same photos on other apps.

Looks like he’s ‘fishing for a big catch’.


  • Ask directly: Politely ask if they use multiple dating apps and observe their response.
  • Look for signs: Notice signs of their activity on other platforms.
  • Evaluate sincerity: If they’re clearly active on multiple platforms, they might not be serious about you.

This behavior usually indicates they’re seeking more options rather than focusing on building a deep connection with you.

11.No Interest in Meeting

If someone is not interested in meeting after a reasonable amount of time, this could be a red flag. No matter how well you chat online, eventually, you need to meet in person to see if there’s a real connection.

He said he’s always busy,

but his schedule seems more open than a TV commercial slot.


  • Set expectations: Suggest meeting at an appropriate time and see their reaction.
  • Look for excuses: If they keep making excuses not to meet, be wary of their true intentions.
  • Be patient: Give them some time, but don’t wait indefinitely.

If they consistently avoid meeting, it might indicate they’re not sincere or have something to hide.

12.Frequent Excuses

If they constantly have excuses not to meet or cancel plans, it’s another red flag. Frequent excuses suggest they might not be serious about the relationship.

He said his fish got sick and needs round-the-clock care, so he can’t meet up.


  • Track excuses: Note if their excuses are reasonable and consistent.
  • Ask for reasons: Directly ask why they can’t meet and see if their explanation is believable.
  • Set limits: If they keep making excuses, consider ending the relationship.

Frequent excuses mean they’re either not interested or have other reasons they’re not revealing.

13.Love Bombing

When someone gives excessive affection and compliments early on, it’s a red flag. While being adored feels good, over-the-top praise and attention can be a sign of manipulative behavior.

He said I’m his dream girl on the first chat and asked if I want to get a puppy together.


  • Stay cautious: Be wary of excessive praise and attention, and assess their sincerity.
  • Watch their actions: See if they rush in other areas, like future plans or meeting in person.
  • Set boundaries: Clearly communicate your feelings and expectations, and see their reaction.

Love bombing often precedes controlling and manipulative behavior. Setting boundaries is essential for protection.

14.Negative Talk About Exes

If they frequently talk negatively about their exes, it’s a red flag. This behavior shows they might not have resolved their past relationships.

He said all his exes were ‘crazy.’

I thought, maybe he’s the common denominator.


  • Listen to details: Pay attention to how they talk about their exes; is it always negative?
  • Ask for perspectives: Ask how they view past relationships to see if they have unresolved issues.
  • Evaluate maturity: If they always badmouth their exes, consider their emotional maturity.

Negative talk about exes indicates they might not have learned from past relationships and could do the same to you.【Related: Why Talking Sh*t About Your Ex Is Toxic】.

15.Controlling Behavior

If they show controlling or jealous behavior early on, it’s a big red flag. Healthy relationships are built on mutual respect and trust, not control and possessiveness.

Funny example:

“He said he needs to know what I’m doing every moment, or he’ll worry. ”


  • Set boundaries: Clearly communicate which behaviors make you uncomfortable and observe their response.
  • Maintain independence: Continue your interests and social activities without letting their control affect you.
  • Evaluate the relationship: If they persist in controlling behavior, consider ending the relationship.

Controlling behavior is often a precursor to more severe issues. Identifying and addressing it early is crucial to avoid emotional harm.

16.Any Form of Complaining

If the person complains early on, even indirectly, this could be a red flag. It shows they might not handle negative emotions well.

👨:“This app sucks, no one ever replies.”

👩:“Maybe it’s your attitude that’s the problem.”


  • Listen to the tone: Pay attention to how they express their complaints, whether it’s always negative.
  • Ask for reasons: Gently ask why they feel this way and see if they have a reasonable explanation.
  • Evaluate emotional state: If they’re always negative, consider if they have a positive mindset.

Complaints indicate they might carry similar negative emotions into future relationships.

17.Hinting for Nudes

If someone hints or directly asks for nudes, it’s definitely a red flag. This behavior is both disrespectful and unsettling.

👨:“I wish I could see more.😜”

👩:“You can read more books, so we have more topics to discuss.”


  • Reject outright: Clearly tell them you’re uncomfortable and refuse their request.
  • Assess response: Observe if they respect your boundaries and change the topic.
  • Protect privacy: Be cautious and avoid sharing any private photos or information.

Such behavior usually indicates impure motives, and cutting ties early is the best choice.

18.Profile Pictures with Mom

If their profile picture includes their mom, it could be a red flag. While being close to family is good, showcasing mom in a dating profile might mean they need her approval and validation.

👨:“This is a picture of me and my mom.”

👩:“So, are we bringing her on our next date?”


  • Observe the relationship: Understand their family dynamics and if they overly rely on their parents.
  • Set boundaries: Establish boundaries in the relationship to ensure they can handle life independently.
  • Evaluate independence: If they always depend on their parents’ opinions, consider their ability to live independently.

This suggests they might need their mom’s involvement in future relationships, affecting your independence.

19.Refusal to Compromise

Compromise is essential in any relationship. If they refuse to compromise or consider your preferences, it’s a definite red flag. It’s like playing tug-of-war, and you’re always the one being dragged down.

👨:“I’ll never eat vegetables because I’m a ‘meat lover.’ ”

👩:“Well, I’m not going to cook meat forever.”


  • Set expectations: Clearly express your needs and expectations, and see if they’re willing to compromise.
  • Find middle ground: Try to find solutions that both can accept.
  • Observe behavior: Notice if they’re unwilling to compromise in other areas.

If they won’t compromise on small things, they’re unlikely to yield on bigger issues.

20.Disrespecting Boundaries

If they ignore your boundaries or push you to do uncomfortable things, it’s a major red flag. Healthy relationships should be based on mutual respect and understanding, not pressure and coercion.

👨:“You should like everything I like.”

👩:“Then you should like my skincare products and start using them daily!”


  • Set clear boundaries: Clearly define your boundaries and tell them what’s unacceptable.
  • Test their response: Observe if they respect your boundaries and are willing to change their behavior.
  • Stay firm: Maintain your stance when facing boundary-pushing behavior.

If they don’t respect your boundaries early on, they’re likely to continue this behavior in the future.

Finally, If you find yourself talking to an “Oscar-winning date,” pat yourself on the back and say, “Wow, I just dodged a bullet today!” Then move forward, because true love is waiting ahead, may you find that “special someone” on your online dating journey!